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9 Box Grid Template

  • 📑 Free 9 box grid template for Google Spreadsheets and Excel
  • 🪄 Enter your scores to automatically group people and calculate percentages
  • 📝 Contains 2 versions and an interpretation readme

🛠 How to use Zavvy's free 9 box grid template Excel

There are 2 versions:

Talent grid 9-box template

Pick this one, if you already have both numbers on a scale of 1-3
9-box grid  performance and potential
  • 💡 This version directly works with your values for performance and potential on a 1-3 scale.
  • 🪄 List down your employees In the table (A14...) and they will automatically appear in the grid.
  • 🔍 To interpret the sections, browse to the sheet called "Interpretation"

Performance management 9-box template

Pick this one, if your performance number is calculated from multiple questions + on a bigger scale (e.g. 1-5)
9-box grid advanced
  • 💡 This, slightly more advanced version, assumes- multiple performance ratings (in this example: 5)- and a bigger scale (in this example: 1-5)
  • 🪄 List down your employees and values In the table (A14...) and they will automatically appear in the grid.Use Column B to enter your value for "potential" (1-3).
  • Enter the single performance question items in the following columns. If you need more, make sure that column H still works properly.
  • Column H calculates the average across all performance questions.
  • Column I converts the original scale into a 1-3 scale. (If your original scale is different, change the value in B11 to your maximum)
  • Column J outputs the rounded, converted value and defines where people will land.🔍 To interpret the sections, browse to the sheet called "Interpretation"

❓ What is a 9-box grid?

The 9-box grid matrix, also known as the performance-potential matrix,  is used to evaluate an employee's performance and potential for growth.

This tool is widely used to assess the talent pool of an organization, identify top performers, and plan their development. But creating a 9-box grid from scratch can be time-consuming and challenging. This is where the 9-box grid Excel template comes into play.

The 9-box grid is a visual representation of employees' performance and potential, based on a set of predefined criteria. It is a 3x3 matrix that divides employees into nine categories, based on their performance and potential. The horizontal axis represents an employee's performance, while the vertical axis represents an employee's potential. The nine categories are:

  1. High potential - High performer
  2. High potential - Average performer
  3. High potential - Low performer
  4. Average potential - High performer
  5. Average potential - Average performer
  6. Average potential - Low performer
  7. Low potential - High performer
  8. Low potential - Average performer
  9. Low potential - Low performer
The 9 Box Model or Performance-Potential Matrix at a glance

🔍 Why is the 9-box grid important?

  • It helps in identifying top performers and high-potential employees who can take up leadership roles in the future.
  • It assists in assessing the talent pool of the organization and identifying skill gaps.
  • It aids in succession planning by identifying potential successors for key positions.
  • It helps in planning employee development programs and providing targeted feedback to employees.
Check out our complimentary resources, for more targeted and efficient performance development:

➡️ Competency matrix template: 36 competencies for individual contributors

➡️ Leadership competency framework template: 23 leadership competency examples for effective leaders

➡️ Succession plan template for your getting your future leaders ready for their new responsibilities